The Scratchy Nib

Introduction to Pointed Pen
10:00 AM10:00

Introduction to Pointed Pen

Learn how to use a pointed pen (pictured in the poster), how the nib works, basic rules and tips for pointed pen calligraphy, try out different styles of calligraphy possible with this pen, including many modern calligraphy styles and some traditional scripts (copperplate, spencerian, uncial, roman). 

Morning batch: 10am–2pm | Afternoon batch: 3–7pm

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The She Sessions by Project Eve: Free Brush Calligraphy Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

The She Sessions by Project Eve: Free Brush Calligraphy Workshop

Yes, it's a free workshop for women only! Organised by Reliance's Project Eve.

We will learn the basics of lettering with a brush pen and explore different styles of modern calligraphy. No prior skills needed. You will go home with a free brushpen, a booklet full of samples to practice from and guideline sheets. 

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Brush Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners
10:00 AM10:00

Brush Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners

Spend your Sunday learning the basics of calligraphy using a brushpen. Learn the tips and tricks for using this medium. Then explore the various styles of modern calligraphy possible with brushes and spend time practicing the styles you fancy. Great for those looking to try out calligraphy for the first time as well as those looking to improve their skills.

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Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners — Bangalore
10:00 AM10:00

Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners — Bangalore

Spend a Sunday afternoon learning the basics of calligraphy and getting acquainted with a pointed pen (also known as a dip-pen and flex nib; pictured in the event poster). Learn how to use this beautiful medium and get comfortable with it. Explore the various styles possible with this pen, including the basics of modern calligraphy, and spend time practicing the styles you fancy. Great for those looking to try out calligraphy for the first time as well as those looking to improve their skills.

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Introduction to Pointed Pen Delhi
1:00 PM13:00

Introduction to Pointed Pen Delhi

Spend a Sunday afternoon learning the basics of calligraphy and getting acquainted with a pointed pen (also known as dip pen and flex nib; pictured in the event poster). Learn how to use this beautiful medium and get comfortable with it. Explore the various styles possible with this pen, including the basics of modern calligraphy, and spend time practicing the styles you fancy.

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